Welcome to Town & Country Lawns
Our aim is to provide a reliable and superior lawn mowing and property care service.
We use the best of equipment available such as Walker mowers to ensure the best results. We will provide personal attention and will ensure that all work is carried out to a high standard with attention to detail. We guarantee your satisfaction with all of our work.
We service the Whangaparaoa area and areas from Albany North out to Kaukapakapa in the West including Coatesville, Paremoremo, Waitoki, Redvale, Dairy Flat, Silverdale, Wainui, Red Beach, Stanmore Bay, Arkles Bay, Manly, Tindalls Bay, Matakatia Bay, Hobbs Bay, Gulf Harbour, Army Bay and Okoromai Bay.
Have a look at our services page for the range of services that we offer.
Services we offer
Whether you are in Town or Country we can look after all of your property needs. Please refer to the range of services that we offer below.

"With two properties, both rural and residential, utilising the services of Town & Country Lawns ensures the highest standards of reliability and commitment with the knowledge that Paul treats every property as if it was his own. Their friendly and professional focus provides a one stop solution to all of our yard maintenance needs"
- Rik Davies, Kaukapakapa